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Joint Statement from the Congressional Press Conference on the Proposed U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreem

Kang Ki Kap, Member of Parliament from the Korean Democratic Labor Party

Whereas, this joint statement is made nearing the conclusion of the first round of talks regarding the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (hereinafter Kor-US FTA), which will impose hardships on peoples of both the U.S. and South Korea, particularly workers and farmers,

Whereas, in response to these negotiations, United States Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D) and Parliament Member Kang Ki Kap from the Korean Democratic Labor Party are issuing this joint statement opposing the Kor-US FTA to adequately represent the interests of their constituents, because it will not benefit peoples of either country, particularly workers and farmers, but instead will only benefit large corporations and the status quo of both countries,

Therefore, in order to oppose Kor-US FTA, both Congressman Kucinich and Parliament Member Kang will take various actions with both non-governmental organizations and each respective government’s Parliament and Congress,

Therefore, in response to the second round of talks scheduled to take place in South Korea in July of this year, both Congressman Kucinich and Parliament Member Kang will seek both action and joint statements from other elected officials of their respective countries, and

Therefore, in September, when the third round of talks in Washington, D.C. will take place, the Democratic Party of the United States and the Korean Democratic Labor Party will jointly hold congressional hearings to discuss the effects of free trade agreements (FTAs) on peoples of both countries, in addition to measures to counter FTAs, with the assistance of non-governmental organizations from both countries.

Dennis J. Kucinich (D) of the United States Congress

Kang Ki Kap, Member of Parliament from the Korean Democratic Labor Party


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