featuring KIM DONG-CHOON Standing Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Korea, Professor of Sociology, and Director of the Human Rights and Peace Center, Sungkonghoe University, South Korea.
In 2005, the South Korean National Assembly established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Korea (TRCK) to “reveal the truth behind civilian massacres during the Korean War and human rights abuses during the [South Korean] authoritarian period and the anti-Japanese independence movement”-histories actively suppressed during three decades of U.S.-supported military dictatorships in South Korea. Please join us to learn of recent evidence of U.S. and South Korean responsibility for the massacre of civilians before and during the Korean War as well as the urgent struggle to write truth into Korea’s modern history.
5pm-7pm, Wednesday, April 1, 2009 Heller Lounge, Multicultural Center, MLK, Jr. Student Union, UC Berkeley
For a detailed account of the critical historiographical work of South Korea’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, please see Kim Dong-Choon and Gavan McCormack’s article, “Grappling with Cold War History: Korea’s Embattled Truth and Reconciliation Commission.”
For more information, please contact Christine Hong at trck.berkeley@gmail.com.
THIS EVENT IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Sponsored by the Korea Policy Institute, the Institute for International Studies, the Human Rights Center, the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, the Townsend Working Group on Asian Cultural Studies, and Berkeley Teach-in Against America’s Wars.