Dear Readers:
Since its inception 5 years ago, the Korea Policy Institute has benefited from the dedicated leadership of its Executive Director, Thomas Kim. We are thankful for his service and we are pleased to announce that effective January 1, 2011, Dr. Kim will continue to contribute his talents and energies to the institute as a member of its Board of Directors. At the same time we ask you to join us in welcoming KPI Fellow, Christine Ahn, as our new Executive Director. Christine has been in the forefront of the institute’s educational programs from its very beginning, whether it has been organizing educational forums, writing op-eds or appearing on the national media and we are confident that the institute will continue to grow under her leadership. We are excited that KPI Fellow, Dr. Seung Hye Suh, will also be joining the Board of Directors. Dr. Suh will be focusing her energies on the development of the institute’s research and website content.
Thomas, Christine and Seung Hye are founding organizers of KPI and we are excited about the new roles they will play in developing the capacity of the Institute. We are also extremely pleased with the new scholarship and leadership being contributed by the Institute’s growing ranks of Fellows.
The need to influence public opinion in favor of policies of peaceful engagement on the Korean peninsula is becoming more and more urgent, and we thank you for your continued interest and support without which our work would not be possible.
Yours truly,
Paul L. Liem Chairperson, Board of Directors