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KPI in the media on North Korea and US Tensions Summer 2017

KPI Board members, Advisors and fellows have been speaking on the US-North Korea tensions.

Christine Ahn, KPI advisor and Executive Director of Women Cross DMZ

Gregory Elich, KPI Advisor

Christine Hong, KPI Board member

The Morning Show with Felipe Luciano (WBAI), July 7, 2017, “North Korea’s Nuclear Test in Historical Perspective” (82:45)

Positively Revolting (KBOO Community Radio), July 7, 2017, “Warmongering Against North Korea”

Hyun Lee, KPI Fellow,  Member, Solidarity Committee for Democracy and Peace in Korea, writer for

Loud & Clear with Brian Becker, July 6, 2017:US Threatens War on North Korea: Who is the Real Provocateur?

Thom Hartmann Program, July 7. 2017: The Big Picture on the Korea situation

Tim Shorrock, KPI Advisor


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